Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping what does it actually mean....As most of us simply tend to study or Mug up things mechanically without understanding  the contents  written in it.. At some point we simply take up Notes and later on whenever we try to refer the Notes we  have difficulty to connect the dots. The best way to  learn stuff is by Mapping them whether you do it in a piece of paper or use some software.So how can we do it?????

Instead of taking a Dry dull notes you can simply make it graphical , more interactive and easy to Understand  things.  Have a look on the below Diagram, your brain will be able to understand it in first attempt itself...

So simply you can represent your Ideas or Study Materials in a  simple Diagrammtic Node format so that you can simply connect the dots, rather then using the old traditional way of writing down the details in a linear format and later on not able to understand what you have written.
Basically, mind mapping avoids dull, linear thinking, jogging your creativity and making note taking fun again.It will help out clarify your thinking whether it be related to personal, Family, or Business.

There a freeware application which you can simply download and run in Any Operating System:
Click Here << To download the freeware known as freeMind

Let me know your experience after using this application.

1 comment:

  1. Wow..finally its very interesting to come across blogs talking abt Mind Mapping. Sometime back there was a workshop in Mumbai by Tony Buzan on Mind Mapping, I missed it, hope to make it next time he is here.
